Saturday, October 24, 2009

Where We Goin': Soup-A-Licious

Kreck here. Yesterday some friends and I did a road trip up to Holland Marsh to check out the Soup-A-Licious festival that's taking place this weekend.  We took part in the self-guided farm tours and saw some neat things...

Bajar Greenhouse

Carron Farm Ltd.

(Red, purple, white, yellow and orange carrots, oh my!)

The festivities continue tomorrow, so check it out if you have a chance!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

What We Makin': Roasted Vegetables

Kreck here.  A few weeks ago I bought these PURPLE (!) potatoes from the farmer's market without knowing what I'd do with them.  Today it was their time to shine, because I decided to try my hand at roasting vegetables.  And believe me readers: if I can do it, so can all of y'all.

I started off by cutting up potatoes, carrots, celery, onions and a couple of garlic cloves, as well as a couple of apples, just to be adventurous.  I tossed them in a large bowl with olive oil, cayenne pepper, paprika and oregano.  Then I put everything in a large casserole dish, covered it with aluminum foil and put it in the oven (at 375 degree Fahrenheit) and let it cook for 75 minutes.  It may take more or less time depending on your oven, so just keep checking to see if the harder vegetables are cooked.

Behold the result:

This was so good, especially the apples!  (And all of the produce was local!)  The next time I make this, I will definitely add more apples, onions, garlic and herbs.
Give it a try!

Vegetables:  It's what we roastin'.

Friday, October 9, 2009

What We Linkin' To: The Best Bulk Food Stores in Toronto

Kreck here.  My apologies for being a deadbeat blogger lately.  I'm still a deadbeat blogger, but maybe this link to an awesome post on another blog will make you forget about that...

(Be sure to read the comments part for a debate on whether the Bulk Barn deserves a place on this list.
I vote yes.)